I'd decided to try and drive the triton up Mt Pinnibar while camping with the family at Geehi, 33km past Thredbo on the Apline Way. Geehi's a lovely spot, and I recommend it for camping!
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I'd planned a camping trip a few months ago with some friends at Geehi in the snowy mountains, a 45 minute drive, about 35kms past Thredbo on the Apline Way. So, thinking about it a bit more, I decided to see if there are any close by SOTA peaks, lo and behold, there are two, Mt Youngall a 10 pointer, and Tyrell's Ridge, 4 points and not previously activated!
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Another SOTA activation for me, having come out of a flu and some other health issues, thought I'd try for an easy one! Mt Stromlo is an easy walk from the carpark up to the summit, then on to the northern hump, so I took a chair this time too!
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I had some time to get out and do some SOTA for the new year rollover and decided to do a bit more of a tricky one Booroomba Rocks, VK1/AC-026.
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Finally had a morning where I could get out and climb a hill! Decided to try Mt Tuggeranong VK1/AC-038, an easy walk and not too far a drive. Parked at the substation on Callister St in Theodore, as most people have in the past!
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While I was in Tassie, I had an opportunity to get a second activation done around Launceston. I asked my Dad which would be the easiest of the 10 pointers around, and he said Mt Barrow, 45 minute drive, and easy walk to the summit :)
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I've just got back from 2 weeks in Tassie, mostly to visit my Grandmother, and to celebrate her 90th birthday, which we did in some style at Stillwater in Launceston!
Car parked, ready for the summit!(read more...)
Got out to another SOTA summit today, VK1/AC-042. Started off on 2m and got VK1MA, booming in strong as always, not much further luck on 2m, so attempted to get going on HF, but there were problems!
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Well, I got my second SOTA activation done yesterday on Mt Stromlo, VK1/AC-043. I wanted to test out my gear, and make sure everything works, before I head to Tasmania in a few weeks, hopefully arriving after the SOTA association for VK7 goes live!
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I had a bit of fun on Saturday with the wia's [Rememberance Day](http://www.wia.org.au/members/contests/rdcontest/) amateur radio contest.
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Today was the VK1 (And most of the rest of VK!) [SOTA](http://sota.org.uk) party, and I did my first ever activation on Mt Ainslie, VK1/AC-040, and had a bit of fun! I learnt just how far down the hill the activation zone starts, 25m altitude is a bit further than I thought!
Here's my chair at the summit pole, the end fed antenna is strung up in the trees to the left.
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