Stories from Ellen

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May 21 , 2013

Mum very much wanted me to go into kindergartern. So on Mondays on the back of dad’s motorbike down to the river, the ferry didn’t leave until 8, but dad needed to get to his shift by 7:45, so on a rowing boat across the river to the canteen lady at the zinc works.

Then to Auntie Dolcie and Nelly who had no idea about kids. Of course, on fridays the process was all in reverse.

A boarder at Auntie Dolcies remarked that he’d never seen such an unhappy 5 year od, so that put paid to Kindergarten. Mostly because I had no one to play with and no houses anywhere near with children.

Later, I had to walk a mile every day to school from age 6. Jim and others included when they started.

When Peter was less than 2, he pulled out a toilet roll and put it in the toilet and kpet flushing until it went away! THere was water halfway to the front door, he didn’t really know what was happening, didn’t know it was him doing it all! emptied the storage Tank.

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